Freeze, Thaw, Winter LUFS

With the last couple days being a frozen wasteland in the area, I’ve been lucky to continue doing some stuff and not lose power once for an extended period of time. I do however feel for the many who have lost power and still as of this writing are suffering from the effects of that.

We thaw out in a few days or so, and sort of return to normal.

On the back of everything, I’ve been studying more that I need to know and trial-and-error with writing and recording at home. The amount of stuff I’ve searched for and have found is quite literally a godsend as of the last 3-5 days (bear in mind, I’ve been looking around for the past 3-4 months). Learned a bit of a new synth and sample engine, learned some new mixing tricks, and starting to push myself to develop a better ear on things.

Also, I plan to begin doing work on this website starting this week. What’s up and on here now is where things will remain until I’m ready to launch the remainder of the site content after it is developed.

I believe more that I will probably use this blog space more to keep anyone interested up to date on things. Social media is very restrictive in how you can express yourself now, and while the way I do express myself may not always be within the terms of service, my intent is never ill.

This post also serves as a test for connect-push, now that I’m getting my bearings with things.

Be safe and do what makes you or others happy, as long as it does not involve harming them.


Mechanically Separated Coughing


Ready To Get On